Category Archives: Be an Original



Learn about the color “Red” in Author Dr. Tae Yun Kim’s “The First Element” book:

“Red stimulates and excites your nerves, pulse rate and blood circulation, and lends energy to your entire system. When you are fatigued, lethargic or sluggish  for any reason, red has an energizing influence. A little red in your environment gives warmth, a feeling of excitement and stimulation. Compassion, courage, and persistence are positive qualities associated with red; extreme passion & anger are more negative qualities. Food which helps impart vibration to you are plums, spinach, cherries, and radishes.”


Discover yourself to discover Love!

discover yourself

by Author Dr. Tae Yun Kim, in The Silent Master book, pg 82

“When you discover your true self and the freedom of your true self, you are discovering Love.  Life without all the feelings and forms of Love isn’t true life at all.  Life without Love, no matter how full of material objects, is empty.”

He Can Do! She Can Do! Why Not Me!

Be An Original!

Be an original-dogs

Always know that you have the power in you. What you do in your life is your personal choice. Don’t try to be a copy. Don’t try to be somebody else. Recognize your strength, your power and your beauty, and Be An Original!   ~by Great Grandmaster Dr. Tae Yun Kim.